The Community Hub

Called for Churches: How to Use Called for Better Church Engagement

Written by Brandon Livingood | May 8, 2024 11:51:04 AM


In today's fast-paced world, staying connected with your congregation beyond Sunday services has never been more crucial. Imagine having a platform designed specifically to foster deep connections, engage your congregation throughout the week, and empower your community to grow together in faith. This is where Called comes into play.

Why Called?

Called is not just another app—it's a tailored solution crafted to help churches and ministries like yours build vibrant, engaged communities. We understand the challenges you face in keeping your congregation connected, especially when physical gatherings are limited or challenging. With Called, we're offering you free tools to bridge this gap and keep the spirit of community alive, even outside of weekend services.

Key Features to Amplify Your Ministry



Start meaningful conversations with your congregation through our main community chat or initiate private 1:1 or group discussions. It's like having a virtual coffee corner where everyone feels welcome to share, connect, and support one another.


Planning an event? Whether it's a worship night, prayer session, or community outreach, create and share events effortlessly within Called. Allow your congregation to RSVP, helping you prepare and tailor the experience to their needs.


Keep your community informed and engaged with important announcements, updates, and even Bible plans. It's the digital bulletin board that everyone checks and trusts.


Small groups are the heart of many churches — we understand this. Create groups tailored to small groups, volunteer teams, or specific ministries within your church. Each group has its chat, events, and news section, allowing you to provide personalized and focused engagement strategies.

Discoverable Groups

Make it easy for newcomers to find their tribe. Enable groups to be discoverable, guiding new members to the right group where they can feel connected from day one.

Easy Access

Sharing is caring, and we make it easy. Utilize a custom invite link to welcome new members into your community, ensuring a smooth and welcoming onboarding experience.


Getting Started with Called: Your Church or Ministry’s Roadmap

Step 1: Set Up Your Community

Creating your church's community on Called is as simple as a few clicks. Follow our intuitive setup process to get started.

Step 2: Create Groups

Empower your group leaders or take the lead in creating groups tailored to your church's unique needs. From small groups to volunteer teams, the possibilities are endless.

Step 3: Invite Your Congregation

Receive your custom invite link and share it far and wide. Each group also has its custom invite link for targeted outreach.


Next Steps for a Thriving Church Community

Starting on Called is just the beginning. To truly harness the power of this platform, here are some strategies to consider:

Consistent Chat Engagement:

Foster daily interactions with engaging prompts, celebrations, and prayer requests. Encourage your staff and key leaders to lead by example, stimulating community interaction.

Utilize Events:

From worship nights to volunteer meetups, keep your congregation engaged with regular events. Groups can host specialized events for deeper connections.

Weekly News Updates:

Keep your community informed with weekly updates, important announcements, and Bible plans to nurture their spiritual growth.

Get Your Church Community on Called Today!

Embracing Called is more than adopting a new tool—it's a commitment to fostering a connected and thriving community. We invite you to take the next step and see firsthand how Called can transform your church or ministry's engagement strategy.

Ready to get started?

  1. Start by downloading Called today and create your Church community (Apple Store or Google Play)
  2. Join our leader's community on Called.  It's a great place to connect with other leaders building community on Called. 
  3. Want additional education on best practices for leadership, building communities, and using technology? Follow us on Linkedin and share this newsletter.

We're here to support you every step of the way. Let's build something beautiful together.